Let's create a mobile/web application that will take you to a new market!

We create
We have been developing and working for more than 3 years and our experience will help you avoid mistakes at the start.

Answer 5 questions and our team will offer a solution to your problem
What kind of application do you need?
Do you have documentation and design of the project?
Application Type
What we can do?

Attracting investments

Aggregators of services (clients and performers)

Corporate Chats

Online stores

Training systems

Logistics and Geolocation

Our projects

Stages of work разработки

Pre-project analytics

We formalize business goals, create an interactive prototype and form the stages of work.


We start with the minimum viable product. Design, coding, testing, documentation.

Support and analysis of user behavior

We compare current and planned indicators, form a list of additional features and adjustments based on the analysis of our users' experience.

Product development

Repetition of the previous paragraphs.
Release of new versions every six months.
Your app is your business!
Pre-project analytics
The business objectives of the project is a document briefly describing the goals of the future application: what we want to achieve, what indicators are markers of success, the timing of reaching payback.
Pre-project analytics
To do something, we need to understand what we are doing, otherwise a lot of money and time will be spent on redoing previously created.
While the project exists in the form of an idea, it is important to formalize the requirements for the application and work out the positioning of the service relative to competitors. In addition, this will allow you to evaluate the future product.

What are we doing at this stage:
Description of the target audience
User characteristics — demographics, preferences, devices used. Here we work out the basic principles of promotion and marketing.
Competitor analysis
This will allow you to work out the detuning from competitors.
Preparation of a diagram of the links of the future application.
Interactive prototype
Prototype of the main user interface screens (Screenflow), without UI design.
Application design concept
The basic financial model of the project
This is a ready-made set of user interface elements: forms, buttons, arrows, social network icons, progress bars, and so on.
The application is created in stages and you can evaluate some of the functionality before the full application is ready.

What happens at this stage:
Some of the documents are written before the start of development, some after. This helps to save time on reworking ready-made documentation blocks.
The development itself
In addition to writing the program code, there is also a choice of hosting and deployment of the architecture of the future system. Also at this stage, third-party services are connected and their work is being adjusted (acquiring, mapping services, SMS mailing and others).
Functional testing
Here it is important to make sure that the application works exactly as intended.
Google Play and App Store Accounts
Create and configure developer accounts for the subsequent publication of the future application.
Publishing an application
Approval of the application takes up to a day on Android, and about 5 days on iOS. Next comes the publication. Search engine optimization in Google Play / App Store also takes place here. Here we also connect metrics to analyze user behavior.
Technical and user support
Operating systems, Apple and Google rules are being updated, our task is to update applications to meet current requirements. It also handles user requests, ratings, and complaints.Support and analysis of user behavior.
Support and analysis of user behavior
After the release, the promotion of the application begins, here the task is as follows:
Analysis of user behavior
How many users have installed the application, how many have been deleted? What grades are put up on the sites? What is the reason for low grades? What percentage used paid content? We collect statistics and analyze them.
Working with the basic financial model of the project
Before the start of development, we laid down quantitative and financial indicators, compare them.
All this is analyzed and the team makes concrete conclusions: what needs to be changed in the application and marketing in order to increase quantitative and financial indicators.

Here we move on to the next stage of Product development.
Collecting statistics after the release of the product
We evaluate the current statistics and compare them with the planned indicators. We evaluate the reaction of users to the application. How often it is used, at what stage it is closed. Which functions are in demand and which are not.
Product development
At this stage, the first commercial steps begin, and the basic task is to make a commercially successful product out of the development. Here we use a previously developed financial plan, this document is the basis for setting criteria for marketing.
Planning functions and changes
Based on the received statistics and feedback, we form an update package for the application.
Application development and update
Experience shows that at this stage, the initial vision of the product can undergo a strong change, and this is normal. Flexibility and willingness to change according to new data is an indicator of healthy thinking and efficiency.

Congratulations, from this moment the application becomes an independent business unit!
Repeat cyclically steps 1-3
Thus, the product lives and develops, improving statistics and financial indicators from update to update. This approach allows you to respond as flexibly as possible to market changes and ensure the rapid development of the application.
Tell us about your task
and we will help you bring it to life
+7 (812) 604-50-20

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